
Brain Tuner Helps Many Health Issues
M.K., Ohio, USA

A few years ago I bought my first brain tuner. My initial reason for using it was as an experimental relaxation device. I have always been interested in alternative health and consciousness expansion techniques, especially experimental cutting edge methods. I never really used the brain tuner on a consistent basis due to the fact that I had no major health complaints aside from being prone to anxiety and occasional arthritis.

However, at age 60, a multitude of health issues began to manifest. Degenerative disc disease and arthritis began to present themselves in the form of consistent pain, stiffness, and general discomfort which in turn seemed to intensify my anxiety and contribute to a growing sense of frustration with conventional treatments. In addition, I noticed an inability to focus and began forgetting things. I brought the memory issues up to my doctor and further testing indicated I had Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. My physical and mental states were at an all time low.

A short time ago, I was listening to archived YouTube videos and stumbled upon one of Bob Beck's lectures on the Brain Tuner. After listening, for reasons unknown, I decided to give it a try and to commit to a regular schedule and suspend all judgment for at least a month of using it with an open mind. I used the unit twice daily with an average session time of 30-40 minutes.

It’s an understatement to report I noticed a remarkable change in many areas after using the product on a regular schedule. The effects of the device were cumulative. Pain levels were substantially reduced after three weeks to a tolerable level. I actually reduced my NSAID dose by half after three weeks.

My focus has become much clearer with definite improvement in memory. Anxiety has decreased significantly and sleep is much more restful. I am no longer waking up throughout the night. I feel like there’s "a light at the end of the tunnel", which was not the case a few months ago. Also prior to re-starting the Brain Tuner, I had gained weight over the years. About three weeks into my regimen with the device I noticed some very uncomfortable reactions and quit all refined sugar. As a consequence, I lost 15 lbs and I am losing on average a pound a week. Coincidentally, a 20 year craving for diet soda faded dramatically while using the brain tuner. It occurred so miraculously and so quickly. I had tried many times to quit soda but experienced severe headaches from caffeine withdrawal.

Also, food cravings have significantly decreased - especially for refined sugar. I was continually bingeing on mini donuts and gained 20 lbs in roughly one month prior to reusing the brain tuner. What is particularly interesting is that since using the Brain Tuner, I have an aversion to unhealthy foods and now crave healthier food. I feel my will power is much stronger. I intend to continue using the Brain Tuner on my journey to wellness.

M.K., Ohio, USA
\ Since using the Brain Tuner, I have an aversion to unhealthy foods...and my willpower is stronger. I feel like there’s "a light at the end of the tunnel", which was not the case a few months ago. \
Brain Tuner , ADD / ADHD, Addictions, Anxiety, Arthritis, Back Pain, Cravings, Emotional Wellbeing, Inflammation, Mental Disorder, Mental Function, Pain, Panic Attacks, Spine Conditions, Weight Issues
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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