
Brain Tuner Increases Physical Discomfort
K.L., Washington, USA

I was in a car accident in 2006 that left me with a painful herniated disc at the top of my spine.

My friend had been using a Brain Tuner off and on for years with great success, and purchased a Brain Tuner on my behalf a few months ago so that I could try it for depression associated with chronic pain. I was eager to begin. I tried it the first time for 20 minutes.

I always have pain in the herniated disc but almost immediately after starting to use the Brain Tuner, the pain in the disc area increased. This surprised me because neither the unit or the earclips had any contact with the area. Thinking it was because of something else, I kept using the unit for several days, but each day the pain in the area grew. I finally stopped it, and over the next few days the herniated disc seemed to return to its former state of discomfort.

I really wanted to use the unit, so hoping the increase in pain was a coincidence, I tried the Brain Tuner again and the same thing happened. The pain increased, and when I stopped using it, the pain returned to its former level of lower intensity.

I was really looking forward to using the Brain Tuner, so I was disappointed my body had a negative reponse.

K.L., Washington, USA
\ I really wanted to use the unit, so I was hoping the increase in pain was a coincidence. \
Editors Note:
K.L’s experience is unique and not typical when using the Brain Tuner. In this case, the close proximity of the herniated disc to the ear clips may have caused a reaction. Since K.L’s experience we have learned that using modes 4, 5 or 6 are better tolerated for those that have a unique experience because they have a more gentle output.
Brain Tuner , Adverse Reactions, Pain, Spine Conditions
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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