
Overcomes Chronic Fatigue
J.B., Ohio, USA

Twelve years ago, I came down with chronic fatigue syndrome. I woke up one morning with slightly swollen glands, a low–grade fever, mental confusion, and muscle weakness. Within a few days, I was so weak I couldn’t even carry the grocery bags into the house—yet just a week before I was lifting weights and pressing 60 lbs! A good program of nutrition, exercise and emotional healing over the next two years brought me back to a state of 80% health so I was able to function satisfactorily. I would, however, get sick in periods of stress and could no longer do extensive physical activity or prolonged mental activity.

Then, seven years ago, a three year period of prolonged stress sent my health spiraling downwards. I became environmentally and chemically sensitive, allergic to many healthy foods, depressed, and constantly felt as if I was getting a cold or flu. I also developed fibromyalgia and could barely get out of a car. I finally had to leave my job as a college art history teacher. I then embarked on a renewed health program and began to see results slowly. Yoga, meditation, nutritional supplements, a wheat–free, dairy–free, whole foods program and emotional healing lessened my fibromyalgia. Eventually I was left with a state of precarious health. I felt great when I rested and kept to a gentle routine but would rapidly develop mental confusion, fatigue and swollen glands as soon as I got overtired or stressed from cold, hunger or an emotional crisis. I could work for 2 to 3 hours a day and exercise for 30 to 45 minutes at the most. I have also struggled for years with periodontitis despite careful brushing and flossing.

In August I started using the Beck protocol—blood electrification, magnetic pulsing, ionic colloidal silver and ozonated water. By the second day I was out running—actually sprinting at top speed with my dog until my quadriceps ached. My body felt so alive and strong I wanted to keep running. This good energy has continued over a period of months. At my last check–up my gums were healthier than ever. I no longer get mental confusion no matter how tired I become.

J.B., Ohio, USA
\ I also developed fibromyalgia and could barely get out of a car. I finally had to leave my job as a college art history teacher. \
Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dental Conditions, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Energy, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Infection, Inflammation, Periodontitis, Relaxation, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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