
Sinus Infection Clears Quickly
V.A., Alberta, Canada

Whenever I feel a sinus infection coming on, or the early effects of a cold, I immediately reach for the magnetic pulsing unit. It is a wonderful instrument that has many usages, and will prevent a sinus infection from taking hold, if used immediately. I find it helps to drain mucus from the sinus cavity. I applied the “paddle” by starting at my forehead and working my way down over the eyes, on either side of the nose, to the ears. Then along the lymph nodes of the neck and back up to the forehead. I felt the mucus releasing from these areas. When I start treatment immediately upon noticing symptoms, I can avoid a full-blown attack of sinusitis. Sometimes I needed to treat myself several times a day, depending on the severity. The magnetic pulsing unit helps to open nasal passages.

I suggest if a person is experiencing a sore throat, or congestion in the bronchi or chest area, to hold the paddle over the troubled area for the full cycle of the magnetic pulsing unit. When mucus is draining from the sinuses to the chest area, make sure to incorporate the lungs. Recovery time from a cold or bronchial infection is considerably reduced when using the pulsing unit. The more it is used, the quicker the body will respond. Repetitive usage is the key.

V.A., Alberta, Canada
\ I find it helps to drain mucus from the sinus cavity. \
Magnetic Pulsing , Colds, Flu, Sinus Conditions
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