
Anxiety and Worry Subside with Brain Tuner
B.H., Kentucky, USA

I was an anxious child. I would worry excessively about all kinds of things: about my family members dying, about the future, about the big questions. I got good grades in school but later on I lost my ability to focus and retain information. I know anxiety can cause that.

As an adult I saw therapists. I had general depression and was prescribed anti-depressants. They were fantastic the first time, but then when I went off them and later took them again, they didn’t seem to work as well anymore. With the anxiety and worry, I wasn’t sleeping well. On the weekends I would consume alcohol just to forget about my worries and usually feel much worse the next day, but somehow it was worth those few hours of numbness. I finally weaned myself off anti-depressants and began researching other treatments.

I found out about the Brain Tuner from going down a rabbit hole with internet research. I found a forum where someone was speaking about their success with the Brain Tuner with a link. Pretty much from the first time I started using the Brain Tuner, I felt different. I felt “good”. After about a week the depression started to ease. I noticed I wasn’t as anxious as I used to be. Even the acid reflux I had been experiencing seemed to lessen. The clarity was unbelievable! I started feeling increasingly better the longer I used it.

I would use the Brain Tuner for 40 minutes in the morning on setting 1 and in the evening for 40 minutes on setting 2. Once in a while when I wanted to chillax on a weekend, I would use it mid-day on setting 3 for a 40-minute session. I followed this same schedule for a good 3-4 months with wonderful results. With less anxiety, I slept far better.

I was also and still am, taking a magnesium supplement. I take the magnesium while using the Brain Tuner in the evening after work and oh my goodness - a perfect night’s sleep! I felt like I’d just had a full body massage and slept with the angels.

While using the Brain Tuner, I also used a supplement called 5-HTP, which is a form of tryptophan. Another alternative method I’d tried was meditation to binaural beats audio but not at the same time as using the Brain Tuner.

Though I still drink beer on the weekend, I notice my consumption is not as heavy as it was before I started using the Brain Tuner. If I had a friend or relative with the same issue, based on my experience I would advise them to research the Brain Tuner, take magnesium oxide supplements, meditate and maybe try a binaural beat audio product.

I’m not sure why after a few months I stopped using the Brain Tuner. I’m funny that way. I was sleeping well, not worried or anxious and felt clearer in my thoughts. However, since not using the Brain Tuner for the past 3 months, I do notice the anxiety has returned somewhat – although it’s not nearly as intense as before. I know it would be alleviated by using the Brain Tuner, which I plan to start again.

B.H., Kentucky, USA
\ I felt like I’d just had a full body massage and slept with the angels. \
Brain Tuner , Anxiety, Brain Conditions, Depression, Digestion, Emotional Wellbeing, Heartburn, Insomnia, Mental Disorder, Mental Disorder, Mental Function, Mental Function, Relaxation, Sleep Issues
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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