
Amputation Avoided with Magnetic Pulsing Unit
E.M., British Columbia, Canada

Over fifteen years ago, I had a lump on my middle finger which was surgically removed but instead of healing, cancer developed and spread all up and down my finger, eating up the flesh and spreading into the bone. The doctor wanted to amputate the finger, to keep it from spreading to my whole hand but I said no, because I knew there had to be a better way; a cure for it somewhere out there. Three years earlier, I had a tumor removed from my breast, and thought it was all gone, but apparently the cancer was still in me.

One day when shopping at a vitamin store, I asked "Does anyone know of a cancer remedy?" Somebody told me about magnetic pulsing, so I purchased a unit and used it for about 40 minutes every day for a month. I used it all over my arms and body too, not just my finger. I had a general pattern where I started at my hand and moved up my wrist, up my arm over my body and abdomen, lymph gland areas, then did the same on the other side of my body and then the back. The pain went away almost immediately and the finger started healing up slowly over time - it healed my finger; the skin, the bone and everything.

After a month of daily use, I could see the finger was improving a lot and at about 3 months the skin had grown over and the bone was fine. I wasn’t doing anything special in combination with pulsing, although now I use a lot of vitamin supplements. I felt better in general and never had any other issues with my breast. Every year I try to use it daily for a month for maintenance.

I never did go back to the doctor about my finger and I'm almost 90 now. I have loaned my magnetic pulsing unit out to others for their healings many dozens of times. I believe in it 100 percent!

E.M., British Columbia, Canada
\ The doctor wanted to amputate the finger… \
Magnetic Pulsing , Bone Conditions, Cancer, Pain, Skin Conditions
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