
Beck Protocol Eases Pain
B.C., United Kingdom

As a psychologist (semi-retired), I was interested in different types of healing tools, so when I came across information about the Brain Tuner, I really wanted to try it. I didn’t personally have symptoms that the Brain Tuner would address directly, but I wanted to evaluate it for safety and effectiveness for potential recommendation to particular clients.

My husband and I used the Brain Tuner for 2-3 months. I do a lot of relaxation techniques, including teaching a mindfulness course, and we found this technology very relaxing as well. Actually my husband, who is quite bald on the top of his head, started getting modest hair growth. We thought this was quite amusing.

After my personal evaluation, I recommended the technology to one of my clients who had obsessive-compulsive disorder. My client and I have noticed over time she seems to be doing much better - more energy, less anxiety, and less ritual.

My experience with the Brain Tuner, made me curious to try the Beck Protocol for any effect it might have on my health. The protocol consisted of using three products, a unit for pulsing on the wrist, a unit for pulsed magnetic fields, and a water ozonating unit. I am 74 years old and in addition to the regular aches of aging, I did have some symptoms of fibromyalgia, some arthritis, and specifically my shoulder and arm which were more troublesome. My quality of life was limited by the inability or difficulty to do simple things like changing gears in the car, and even dressing myself. Although there was no definitive diagnosis, overall I did not feel well.

I started the full protocol. I used the wrist pulsing and pulsed magnetic field devices at the same time for approximately 40 minutes a day. I used the pulsed magnetic field device over my whole body, and especially on my shoulder and arm.

The very first time I used the protocol, I got into the bath, and after a few minutes, the water turned rusty. It only happened once, but it was very dramatic. I also passed what looked like pumpkin seeds and yet there was nothing in my diet that could attribute to those. I felt something was happening and that I must keep on using this protocol to see where it would go.

I kept up the protocol for about six months. Along with the regular daily use of the wrist pulsing and pulsed magnetic field devices, I took little sips of silver water twice a day, (now I use occasionally). My husband and I also drank a glass of ozonated water in the morning and at lunch. We initially were having a glass at night as well, but we both felt it was too energizing for the evening.

My health hugely improved. I didn’t realize how much my body hurt until all the little symptoms started to clear. I am now much looser in the back and overall. I walk easier. I happily have very little sensation of arthritis.

Now, I use the equipment as I feel is needed – whether it’s a viral thing or using the pulsed magnetic fields on my legs and hips, etc. I travel a lot, and when I’ve been anywhere and feel unwell, I “machine-up” as soon as I get home. We continue to use the ozonated water regularly.

I think these products are amazing to use as we age.

B.C., United Kingdom
\ I didn't realize how much my body hurt until all the little symptoms started to clear. \
Brain Tuner, Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Aging, Anxiety, Arthritis, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Fibromyalgia, Inflammation, Mental Disorder, Mental Function
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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