
The Joy of Healing Lymes
D.T., New Jersey, USA

One morning while doing sit ups, I felt pain on the back of my thigh. I pulled off a blood–gorged tic that had expanded about 10 times its original size. An excruciating painful bullseye developed after 4 days—the classic Lyme disease initial symptom.

I have detoxified and exercised for 20 years so I was confident my immune system would stop any invader. I began using natural antibiotics and anti–oxidants. The supplements did not stop the intensity of pain and growth of the bullseye. The library was the next stop. I learned that antibiotics can only stop the spirochete bacteria when it’s in the blood stream. The bacteria, however, can return to the bloodstream, proliferate and the disease is back. Once in the tissue cells, antibiotics are ineffective. I knew it was too late for antibiotics at this point anyway.

My energy was gone. That night I couldn’t sit down because of the pain of the bullseye. It was 7” in diameter. Fasting would surely stop the challenge I faced. Seven days of no solid food whatsoever and only green drinks. I tried food grade hydrogen peroxide baths. Three weeks after discovering the bite, my knees, hip and back had developed arthritis to the point where getting out of bed and dressing took 15 minutes. Everyday the bacteria was in different places: hands, shoulder blades, wrists and elbows, spine and ankles—they went everywhere. I’m 42 and was in good shape. My 90–year old friend walking with a cane was waiting for me to keep up with him. Every movement was painful. My hands and fingers could only move in segment motion. I ate only sprouted greens and sprouted grains—no fruit or carrots so as not to provide sugar to feed bacteria. I prayed God to take away all the good things I have and just give me back my health. Ozone is also known for stopping pathogens. I tried IV injections of ozone for one week. It didn’t touch the symptoms.

I thought I was a gonner. Finally I called the Hippocrates Institute in Florida. They faxed me back within two hours: “Dear David, Be sure you will be healed as many others have with this information.” Those were powerful words because they are world–renowned for helping those who are diagnosed as terminally ill. They advised me to get a device that makes silver. The day it came I began making my own colloidal silver. I started taking it that night—a tablespoon every 20 minutes holding it under the tongue for one minute.

I went to sleep. When I woke up, I jumped out of bed and ran out the door shouting to the neighbors that I was healed. It was a dream.

When I did wake up, I could hardly move and it took me five minutes to convince myself to go through the pain of sitting up. That dream was a vision of the future. One morning in January, I woke up and played out that dream in real life. It took three days for the silver solution to begin working. The fifth day I got 70% healing. When I got total mobility of my hips and spine, I knew the Lyme was biting the dust. Everyday there was less pain and more mobility. The last areas of pain were the hands and feet. It took about 1½ to 2 months for total healing. I have been lyme free for 4 months now, no recurring symptoms. People that have it tell me you’ll never get rid of it. I tell them about colloidal silver.

D.T., New Jersey, USA
\ My knees, hip and back had developed arthritis to the point where getting out of bed and dressing took 15 minutes. \
Colloidal Silver , Bacterial, Infection, Infection, Insect Bites, Lyme Disease, Parasites, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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