
Loses Pounds and Parasites with Protocol
Shawn D., Arizona, USA

Last year I was experiencing very unusual allergies to medications and to foods. I would develop a rash around my lips and my lips became chapped. I was told by an alternative practitioner I had parasites that were causing the issues. I assumed this was entirely possible since we have visited our sons in Colombia, South America six times. Around that time I discovered the concept of using electricity for health and put about 16 hours into researching it. As a result, we bought the wrist pulsing unit, pulsed magnetic field unit, water ozonating unit, and Brain Tuner.

I used the units religiously for three months:

• Wrist pulsing unit: pulsed two hours once a day.
• colloidal silver: 2-4 ounces per day for six weeks.
• pulsed magnetic field unit: two 20 minute sessions, once per day. I did my whole body so as not to miss a lymph node.
• ozonated water: 2-3 glasses/day, at the beginning, middle and end of using the wrist pulsing unit.

I also drank the recommended amount of plain water daily per my body weight.

These are the changes I experienced:

• I lost 12-14 pounds (three pounds in one week and then again three pounds another week) without changing my eating habits.
• I stopped reacting to foods and medicines.
• The restless leg syndrome ceased.
• My platelets dropped from a high of 601 to 440. (Note: My platelet levels have risen gradually each year over the course of 15 years. This was the first time they were well within normal range.)
• During a visit with our sons and their families in Mexico, everyone got sick with flu except my husband and me.

After routine blood work revealed my liver enzymes were elevated, I put my regimen on hold to give my liver a break from all the detoxing. My liver enzymes started dropping significantly after two weeks so it was obvious my liver needed a break. Interestingly, the platelets went back up to 540.

After a two month break my liver enzymes were back to normal. I resumed using the Beck units and plan to take monthly breaks in the future so I don’t overtax my liver.

I also noticed that when using the magnetic pulsing unit over my head, it seemed to exacerbate the tremors I have. I will continue with the magnetic pulsing unit, but not pulse in that area anymore.

I love your units, your mission and your positive attitude.

Shawn D., Arizona, USA
\ I lost 12-14 pounds without changing my eating habits. \
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Allergies, Digestion, Parasites, Rash, Skin Conditions, Weight Issues
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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