
Tumor Marker Drops with Protocol
Marjorie W., Washington, USA

I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2016. The first step to managing this disease is a full hysterectomy which I chose to go through. The doctors informed me that it’s very common for the cancer to reappear at the point of incision in about three years. I remained hopeful and for three years, the tumor marker stayed within normal range, which is 0-35.

Unfortunately in November 2019, about three years later - wouldn’t you know, the cancer reoccurred with a tumor marker measurement of 798. I really wanted to avoid chemotherapy but it was strongly urged, as well as outer and inner radiation and hormone blockers. I had started bleeding a lot and I knew I had to do something. It was pretty scary. I chose the radiation treatments on my pelvis – which honestly, was really awful. From January to April 2020, I went through 30 of those treatments and they did help somewhat.

At the same time early in 2020, I reached out to a naturopathic oncologist and started on alternative treatments about three weeks before and during the radiation. When I reached the end of the radiation sessions, the tumor marker was at a low of 85. The doctors say that endometrial cancer is not curable, but can only be managed. The radiation I had is considered a palliative treatment. It was anticipated that the marker would start rising after the radiation treatments stopped, and it did. I continued on with the natural treatments.

I had drawn the line at having radiation and refused chemo as well as other conventional recommendations by the oncologist. I’ve known enough people with conditions who chose chemotherapy and later wished they hadn’t. I also adamantly refused to have the doctors speak to me in terms of what could happen if I declined their suggested treatments. I didn’t want to hear any doom and gloom statements. This was my thing, done my way and I was out to win this battle.

The alternative treatments consisted of injecting mistletoe 3 days a week (which I still do weekly), high dose intravenous (IV) vitamin C infusions (50g); 40 of them over a 5 month period. I still do this twice a month and I believe this has kept the tumor from growing. I gauge this by the fact that I'm still here and I feel fantastic. I also still do a 24-hour fast twice a week, which is good for the mitochondria.

The tumor marker however, kept creeping up. Every three months I have lab tests. The marker would rise to a measurement of 354, then 356 and on and on. Since levels can be measured as high as 30,000 I still felt that I was doing pretty good and I felt great. Thankfully, my family never pressured me. Honestly, I’ve never regretted any of the decisions I’ve made.

I started using the Bob Beck Protocol in earnest beginning in March of 2021. I’ve worked up to three-hours with the wrist pulsing unit and I use the pulsed magnetic field unit for two hours a day. I drink about an eight-ounce glass of the ozonated water daily and take four, six-ounce measures of colloidal silver. I am slowly increasing all of this.

This past April, I had a lab test which showed the cancer marker at 346. But here’s the great news: Three months later, with the July lab tests, it lowered to 205! The only thing I had added to my regimen is the Bob Beck units. That is HUGE!

As of December 2021, my most recent cancer marker is at 246. The oncologist is amazed that any progression is slow.

As a result of the surgery in 2016, I had several lymph nodes removed that resulted in a lymph edema in my right leg. I have been using the pulsed magnetic field unit all over my body, top to bottom. I see a reduction in the swelling after using it this way every time. It doesn't last but a few hours - however, I know that one day things will be even better there. I am excited to see how my body responds in the future. Also, I have been using magnetic pulsing on three inguinal swollen lymph nodes. I usually apply it there for 20-30 minutes. And to my great relief, all three nodes have become slightly smaller. I will continue doing this. I don't know if the nodes are cancerous but I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by applying the Beck units.

I realize there is a caution about using the magnetic pulsing unit over a bleeding wound, but I figured I would try it anyway. I place it over the tumor area for a ten minute session and over the time I have used it, the bleeding has greatly diminished. It has never increased. Something is definitely working there!

My quality of life is phenomenal! All the choices I’ve made have helped me enjoy a pretty darn good life. Mindset is key. If you give up, that’s when things start to go downhill. Every day I am grateful. I thank God and I talk to my body and thank it for working so hard to keep me alive and relatively pain free. I’m thrilled with the Beck units.

I’m so grateful for these wonderful therapies. These units are working to bring me to a greater state of health. I am seeing it with my own eyes! Woohoo, thank you God for this amazing technology!

Marjorie W., Washington, USA
\ These units are working to bring me to a greater state of health. I am seeing it with my own eyes! Woohoo, thank you God, for this amazing technology! \
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Cancer, Edema, Inflammation, Lymph System, Tumor
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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