
Magnetic fields are a game changer!
D. Pratt, Alberta, Canada

It is with honor and gratitude that I share the story of my use of the magnetic pulsing unit.

I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was 12 and ended up in a wheelchair at the age of 24 (I’m now 60). Seizures have also been an issue throughout my life. However, I’ve always been more interested in natural treatments rather than standard western medicine. With that core intention, the appropriate people and opportunities always arrive in my life at just the right time.

In 2011, when a friend of mine suggested that I try pulsed magnetic fields, I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve used the magnetic pulsing unit daily for more than 10 years; it continues to improve my full-spectrum of health.

Using the magnetic pulsing unit has provided amazing results. I created a treatment protocol for myself where I apply the magnetic fields throughout my body. I typically use the magnetic pulsing unit four times a day, totaling 10 cycles. I place it in strategic locations, like feet, head and shoulders, with a combination of regular and fast speed settings. I’ve used it in combination with a healthy vegetarian diet, ample water intake, and the use of essential oils. I’ve noticed a huge change in my quality of life which includes increased mobility, increased active and passive range of motion, as well as well as decreased joint stiffness and joint pain.

If not for the magnetic pulsing unit, I wouldn’t be sleeping like a baby every night. Decreased pain means better uninterrupted rest. I get a solid 9 hours a night. Over the last 10 years, the pain intensity in my joints has decreased from a level of 200 to a level of 2. That’s a game changer! Decreased pain levels also mean I’ve been able to rebuild muscle by moving more. I can now grab on to my caregiver while I’m in my wheelchair rather than not moving at all like before. I now have noticeably increased muscle mass.

For someone who’s been in a wheelchair for decades, I feel amazingly strong. The muscle tone and opening up of my joints is truly a bonus. Years ago, if I suffered a bump or jolt while in my wheelchair, it would send me through the roof with pain. I could barely tolerate being touched. Now, I can tolerate a lot more without fear of pain and agony.

I’ve been at this for a decade. Over the past five years however, I’ve felt a shift and experienced a greater culmination of positive results. Things have come together on a whole new level. All the work I’ve been doing has paid off and it’s been quite a ride!

The magnetic pulsing unit got me through some rough times. If not for the results from using it, I’d have given up long ago. Today, I’m no longer as surprised as before by the results I receive, but I’m still super grateful every day. It’s so obvious to me now how healing involves the mind-body-spirit connection.

D. Pratt, Alberta, Canada
\ I've noticed a huge change in my quality of life which includes increased mobility, increased active and passive range of motion, as well as decreased joint stiffness and pain. That's a game changer! \
Magnetic Pulsing , Arthritis, Inflammation, Joint Conditions, Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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