
Immunity is stronger, thanks to wrist pulsing
Julie T., British Columbia, Canada

Twenty years ago, I suffered a serious head and brain injury. My prognosis was terrible: I was left unable to walk, or even talk, and it was not expected I would survive, let alone thrive. But I did. Through sheer determination and using every available modality I could think of, I ended up walking and talking again ... in fact today, I dance ballroom and swing at a high level of performance!

I now have a totally compromised immunity. For the first fifteen years, people couldn’t even enter the same room as me or I’d get sick. I was constantly suffering even though I was “better”. I had continuous sore throats, colds and coughs and problems with candida and more. Thankfully a friend gave me a wrist pulsing unit to use and I have been well almost all the time since I started using it.

I pulse on the wrist practically every day - although once in a while I take a couple of days or weeks off. Normally I’ll do about 1.5 hours daily. It has never NOT worked! I often care for people with serious illnesses like H1N1 – in enclosed spaces I might add – and I’ve never gotten sick.

Just last January though, I was exposed to someone who had recently returned from China and had a very bad cough and fever - what we now know as COVID-19. Neither of us was tested and I had never heard of COVID-19 at that point … I became quite sick. Unfortunately, I had stopped pulsing on the wrist during the previous two weeks, as I’d forgotten my unit while away for the holidays. With this illness, I experienced symptoms I had never had before. It felt like a dry flu; fever, body aches, cough and sore throat but no sweating or phlegm. Immediately I started wrist pulsing for about 5-6 hours a day for a week, then backed off to 1-2 hours. I’m convinced that wrist pulsing reduced the severity of what I was going through. All told, I spent a week being ill and self-isolating. I felt somewhat tired and unwell for another week, but I only experienced two days of having to stay in bed. Now I am completely well.

I would never want to be without my wrist pulsing unit! If anyone in my family should ever fall ill, the wrist pulsing unit would be the first thing I’d use for them. I’ve tried so many modalities over the last twenty years to get my health back. Many of them were helpful for a while, but of ALL of them, pulsing on the wrist has consistently made a positive difference to my health and continues to do so.

Julie T., British Columbia, Canada
\ I've tried so many modalities ... but of ALL of them, wrist pulsing has consistently made a difference to my health and continues to do so. \
Wrist Pulsing , Brain Conditions, Candida, Colds, Fungal, Immune System, Infection, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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