
My Essential First-Aid Kit
Peter O., Victoria, Australia

I am a 70-year-old grandfather and I have owned a wrist pulsing unit for approximately six years and another similar product before that for about five years. It is my essential first-aid kit and I do not travel anywhere without it. My experience is that the wrist pulser removes cold/flu/virus symptoms in two hours and that ionic colloidal silver is my all-round healing solution for cuts, abrasions, blisters and burns. The wrist pulsing unit I have does both; it removes my viruses and makes ionic colloidal silver.

When travelling, it is most annoying to come down with a sickness or suffer a painful wound when you are supposed to be enjoying yourself. It would be a terrible disappointment if I had spent money on accommodation, flights and possibly entertainment only to be bedridden with a sickness. Pulsing on the wrist protects me from that, and I often use it after a flight as well because of the likelihood of catching a bug from someone in close proximity.

On the back of many personal successes, I now completely believe Bob Beck’s statement that it will control any infectious disease known to man.

I am only an experienced user, not a scientist, but the evidence in my opinion is overwhelming, starting with the original research and US patents that are still searchable today. I am also happy with the immunity aspect, because if I get a virus and then remove it quickly as explained below, I believe I have lifetime immunity to each one without the usual suffering.

I appreciate that the wrist pulsing unit is helping my body to overcome sickness. I am a strong believer in my body being able to heal itself if I give it the right conditions which may include a little help from pulsing on the wrist.

What I do
After a lifetime of contracting various sicknesses that circulated within the family home it is easy to recognize the symptoms once they reach a certain intensity. When I feel sick the usual symptoms are an unwell feeling generally, some increasing sneezing, and muscle soreness that quickly spreads to my whole back after just a few muscles at first. I normally blame over-exerting myself the previous day, but as the day progresses, I recognize that the symptoms are accelerating and intensifying to the point that I know I am coming down with a sickness and it is time to use the wrist pulser. Occasionally I also become shivery by that stage if the virus is particularly strong or if I had been exerting myself that day which weakens the body’s defenses. This happened recently after playing golf and wondering why I had so little energy that day. By the time I got home I was exhausted and slept for 30 mins. When I woke I was shivering and feeling terrible and then I recognized that I had a virus and I micropulsed for five hours straight. The symptoms started to ease after four hours; normally I don’t leave it that long before treatment.

At the first sign of a virus as indicated above which is usually in the afternoon, I pulse on the wrist for 2 hours after which my symptoms have normally disappeared. Then I follow-up for 2 hours a day for 3 or 4 days depending on how severe it was in the beginning. I have found this follow up is absolutely essential and easy to forget because you feel fine. I can only guess that the first session helps the body to overcome the virus, but it still lurks for a couple of days until it is completely gone.

Before my current wrist pulsing unit I owned a similar product called a zapper for a few years and tried that many times, but the itchiness it caused at my wrist stopped me from using it more often and I was never sure if it worked or not. The trouble was I was not using it properly. Eventually it stopped working so I bought a new wrist pulsing unit / ionic colloidal silver unit.

I would get sick, put the zapper on and think I felt better after 2 hours. The next day I would be fine so I would forget to use it, or I thought that I did not really have a sickness coming on and just imagined it, and on the third day I got the full virus. Another mistake was waiting until a virus took hold and then using it. In other words, ignoring the signals on the first day and waking up the next morning extremely sick. Then it was too late because the virus would have caused mucus and sinus problems which took a week or weeks to clear despite using the zapper. I think it worked to get rid of the virus, but the damage done took a long time to clear. I think everyone has experienced lingering symptoms.

Once I got my new wrist pulsing unit, I still had itching problems because I turned up the intensity too much. After using it successfully at the lowest setting I had no trouble at all and that is what I have done for the last five years.

Ionic colloidal silver for wounds
I use ionic colloidal silver too if I have a health problem and it is great for eliminating toothaches. Sometimes I drink it when pulsing on the wrist to remove a virus if I think the virus is a strong one and then I will take a big gulp twice a day for three days. When I travel I put a 500 ml bottle in the case and other times I put it into a spray bottle which makes it easy to use. My experience is that any wound heals very quickly including big-blister burns, with low pain, but the secret is to soak a bandage in it, so it stays on the skin for hours and reapply once or twice more a day. Once again it stops ruining a great holiday. At home it heals wounds quickly and I supply ionic colloidal silver to my children for their personal use and for the grandchildren’s first-aid needs.

Brain Tuner stops procrastination and helps golf
Another Beck product I have is the Brain Tuner which is amazingly effective in helping me concentrate when I find my motivation is waning and I have great difficulty beginning a project. I put it on and instantly I can begin work. It is like a switch has been turned on although I do not feel any different. It also improves my golf game if I use it beforehand, sometimes significantly, sometimes marginally. I have used it for about ten years, and I am on my second one after wearing out the lead socket. I used to use it when I set out on a long drive which helped my concentration for the trip which must have been cumulative because I do not need to use it for that now. It is another essential better-health item for me and between them all I feel greatly confident that I will never be bedridden with an infectious sickness again and my brain will (hopefully) remain able to concentrate when needed.

Peter O., Victoria, Australia
\ I appreciate that wrist pulsing is helping my body to overcome sickness. I am a strong believer in my body being able to heal itself if I give it the right conditions… \
Brain Tuner, Colloidal Silver, Wrist Pulsing , Colds, Energy, Fatigue, Flu, Pain, Sinus Conditions, Wound
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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