
Microcurrents Blast a Trio of Conditions
J. Blais, Quebec, Canada

I am sincerely thankful for Bob's remarkable products. Without them I truly would be at a loss. My doctor certainly seemed lost when dealing with my conditions of high blood pressure, diabetes, and eczema. However, after pulsing on the wrist and taking colloidal silver, my levels have come down to normal and conditions are much improved.

For the past 20 years I suffered with eczema, although I didn’t know what the patches on my skin were until I was sent to a specialist. The specialist couldn’t do anything for me because I wouldn’t stop scratching at night in my sleep. The patches were all over my back, my arms, even on my head and face. No cream or lotion helped nor did changing soap. Today the eczema is almost gone; I only have a few patches and they do not itch any more as before.

I pulsed on the wrist daily for about four months but have currently cut down to three days per week. I use it for a session of one hour minimum, three times a week. As for the colloidal silver, I take one ounce, three times a week and drink ozonated water often.

My blood pressure, which has been an issue for over a decade, is down to near-normal levels at 120/68. For the past 10 years, the systolic pressure had been fluctuating between 160-140 going up at the doctor’s office to 170-200.

My blood sugar is around 5.0 (AM before meals) and 8.1 (2 hours after meals) I am considering this a victory over 9.2 (AM before meals).

I have much more energy from the start of my day to the time I head for bed at 10:00 PM. I actually can get some housework done without having to rest every 15 minutes because of exhaustion.

Also, I was having blood spots show up at the back of my eyes for about two years (brought on by diabetes, according to my doctor) and recently during my annual eye exam the eye doctor told me all four blood patches had completely vanished. I was amazed!

I was starting to feel concerned that my kidneys were suffering from all the medication I’ve been taking. My doctor did not agree with this, and when I had a reaction, sent me to the emergency room telling me I had appendicitis. It was not appendicitis at all; it was the diabetes medication. I stopped taking it and voila! - I helped myself. I’ve been on medication for diabetes for many years as well as many other medications. I could have had major problems if I had listened to my doctor and continued on with the increasing dosages. I have refused some of the prescribed meds, and I hope in time I will be at a much lower dosage for all medications and even one day, completely off them.

Thanks Dr. Beck for being there for me in my time of need. I feel lucky to have found your products. A friend told me I just had to try the technology for myself. What did I have to lose but a few hundred bucks? I had already spent a lot more than that on other things that didn’t really work — including prescription medication. Now, I tell everyone about my wrist pulsing unit. I never want to be without it!

J. Blais, Quebec, Canada
\ A friend told me I just had to try the technology for myself. What did I have to lose but a few hundred bucks? \
Colloidal Silver, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Eczema, Eye Conditions, Skin Conditions
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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