
Parasitic Skin Rash Alleviated in Three Days
S.W., British Columbia, Canada

For eight months I suffered from an unbearable itching condition; I had a rash on my neck and leg that caused an unbearable itch. At times, the itching was so intense I felt like ripping my skin off!

I visited five skin specialists and spent over $600 on prescriptions for steroid creams, all to no avail. It seemed that no one could help. Nobody offered a skin biopsy. Mostly they were “guessing” that I had eczema.

Eventually, I found a different practitioner who was using a saliva test that was based on radionics, who diagnosed me with Onchocerciasis. This is a parasitic worm infection not usually found outside of Africa or South America. How could I have that?

Then I recalled years before, I had traveled to Mexico and became very ill there. Not knowing too much about parasites at the time, I returned to America and went directly to the hospital, but they couldn’t find anything wrong. In hindsight, I should have stayed in Mexico as they would have had more experience with parasitic infections. I had the same horrific itch on my back to the point it actually felt like something was moving and biting. With no help available from doctors at the time, and a little research, I managed the problem myself by taking an adjusted dose of veterinarian Ivermectin, a well-known medication for parasitic infections. I tried it again for the current infection, but it just didn’t work very well.

What really helped this time was when I began pulsing on the wrist for four or five hours a day. I know it’s against the instructions, but I did the pulsing on the wrist over the arteries on my neck; one electrode on each artery for four to six hours. I have a skin toning business, so I had special electrodes for the skin in the neck area. 4-6 hours. I strapped it over my neck to hold it in place.

In three days the rash disappeared, but then after a while a lesser rash returned. This time, I added in the pulsed magnetic fields over the rash area on the neck and leg. I’d do that for approximately four 20-minute sessions a day. After about a week, the rash disappeared entirely!

The rash comes back sporadically, and I do a little of everything, but certainly using the wrist pulsing unit and magnetic pulsing unit is instrumental in giving me relief and making an unbearable situation bearable.

S.W., British Columbia, Canada
\ … the itching was so intense I felt like ripping my skin off! \
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing , Itching, Parasites, Rash, Skin Conditions
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