
Achilles Injury Spells Certain Disaster
G.J. Hunter, Texas, USA

I’m a former pro basketball player and no stranger to injuries. I’ve played in 24 countries and have seen so many devices and equipment in my career, I’m sure I’ve been connected to every wire imaginable! As a pro, I always had an entourage of practitioners helping me deal with injuries, common hazards of the industry.

I’m still a competitive athlete and now run a training facility. A few months back, I tore my Achilles tendon playing volleyball. Serious pain with long recovery times at best. Not being in the pro circuit anymore, I had to find my own ways of dealing with injuries—and this injury was a real challenge.

I was in horrible pain for six weeks, on crutches, researching a way to help my injury. I was using knee pads so I could get around my apartment walking on my knees; that’s how bad it was. I had done research in pulsed magnetic fields from years back, and went ahead and purchased a super expensive unit. After a few days of using it, I didn’t notice any improvement at all. I sent it back. I continued to do more research and finally found what I was looking for: a portable, home-use unit with a high Gauss output.

My magnetic pulsing unit arrived on a Monday and by Friday of the same week, I was off my crutches. True story. Six weeks after my injury, with the help of the magnetic pulsing unit, I finally started to heal.

It was after using the machine for about three days that I said to myself, “Yeah, this is working!” By that time the pain had decreased and I had flexion back in the foot. I kept on pulsing consistently for seven days a week, and am at about six weeks now. I’m even impressed at how sturdy and well-made it is.

I use the magnetic pulsing unit usually first thing in the morning for a session on fast mode with my heel slightly flexed moving it around on the heel. After my shower and my morning routine, I ice my heel, and go back and use the magnetic pulsing unit on regular mode on the top of my calf for four sessions, then move it to mid calf for another four sessions and then on the bottom of the foot for another two sessions. I strap the hand paddle with a tension bandage to hold it in place. I also use it right before bed on the back of my heel for a couple of sessions. Basically, I use it as much as I can throughout the day and combine it with icing my heel. I will wear an ice pack wrapped about my foot when I leave for the day. I am super consistent with pulsing, and often switch it up between morning use and icing at night, or icing during the day and using the machine at night. I think the ice is important and I have also been taking a good liquid multivitamin.

By day 12, I was hitting golf balls at the driving range. By week three, extension came fully back and I was walking fine—but not going full out. At week five, I was walking pain free, with full extension and flexion. Recently, during week 12, I started light jogging. Most people I tell can’t believe that! Intense stretching is still a little tender, so I am continuing to use the magnetic pulsing unit and have progressed to using it for four sessions a day, taking a day off for icing and rest, and then repeating the cycle. On purpose, I have not taken any anti-inflammatory medicine while using it all these weeks, so that I know without a doubt the machine is working for me.

One day my girlfriend and I both had a bad headache, so we shared the magnetic pulsing unit, 10 minutes for her, 10 for me, on the top of the head, switching back and forth between us. An hour later: No headache and no need for aspirin.

My magnetic pulsing unit is not leaving my home! I’m not giving this thing up for anything! If a thief invaded in the middle of the night, I’d be giving up all kinds of things up but NOT my magnetic pulsing unit. I’d be like, “If you touch that, we are gonna have a problem!”

Seriously, without it, I’d have been in really bad shape. Having found the pulser is like manna from heaven.

G.J. Hunter, Texas, USA
\ Without the magnetic pulsing unit, I’d have been in really bad shape. \
Magnetic Pulsing , Headaches, Inflammation, Pain, Sports Injury, Sprain, Tendon Conditions
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