
Harmonic Frequencies Ease Alcohol Withdrawal
Vince B-F, Iowa, USA

I worked for many years at a large factory here in Iowa. I was always a weekend drinker, but when I finally retired, every day became a weekend. I had way too much time on my hands and drinking alcohol became my favorite activity. Life was just a party. I couldn’t stop...and I didn’t want to.

After a couple of years living like this, I noticed I couldn’t remember things like I used to. I felt like I was seriously losing my memory. I tried over and over again to stop drinking. I knew I had to quit, but I wasn’t able to stop, no matter how much I wanted to.

I also knew that I would die if I didn’t quit. It was destroying my body from the inside out, not to mention how it was affecting those around me. I started searching and I found information on Bob Beck and the protocol. I thought about making my own devices. Then I caught wind of the Brain Tuner and all the research on it. I just knew I needed this device to be successful in quitting drinking. I had no money, so what was I going to do?

I decided I would sell my ATV 4 wheeler. With that money, I bought the whole protocol and the Brain Tuner. I couldn’t have much fun with the 4 wheeler if I was sick and dying.

I had stopped drinking so many times in the past, but this time I chose to stop drinking and start using the Brain Tuner at the same time. I started the Bob Beck Protocol, too. I’m an all or nothing kind of guy. I used the Brain Tuner by switching to a different mode every six minutes for equal time on all the modes. I did that twice a day for a 40-minute session and whenever I felt I needed help and instead of having a drink. As for the protocol, I worked up to a daily routine of 2-3 hours doing the blood electrification; 6-oz of ionic colloidal silver three times a day; two 20-minute sessions of the pulsed magnetic fields; and a minimum of six 8-oz glasses of ozonated water.

What I noticed most significantly was that I didn’t get the shakes or terrible sweats or other typical withdrawal symptoms. If they did appear, they were so tiny I hardly noticed. The Brain Tuner took away all the discomfort of not drinking. This was so unexpected…and such a relief.

Since that time, I’ve never had another drink. Within two months, I felt like a totally different person. I started feeling whole and functional again. So many aspects of my health, life and mental state were so far out of whack that it took that long for me to really feel again. I used the protocol combined with the Brain Tuner for about five months, and then phased out the protocol slowly, but continued on the Brain Tuner.

Six years later, I still use the Brain Tuner every morning usually on modes 1, 2 and 3 and sometimes at night with modes 4, 5 and 6. I use the units in the protocol as needed. What I found in using the protocol and Brain Tuner was that my energy level increased tremendously. Instead of needing 8–10 hours of sleep like in the past, I feel refreshed after 5-1/2 hours. I actually enjoy sleeping but I’ll be darned if I can sleep any more than five or six hours anymore! I used to have horrible allergies and used to take prescription nasal sprays. I take nothing anymore and seasonal allergies are no longer an issue.

I’m so grateful that my family and I can stay out of the pharmaceutical system as much as possible. I thank God for directing me to the devices. They have really made a significant difference in my life. If I were able to talk to Dr. Beck, I’d thank him and let him know that all his effort was totally worth it.

Vince B-F, Iowa, USA
\ I knew I had to quit, but I wasn’t able to stop, no matter how much I wanted to. I knew that I would die if I didn’t quit. \
Brain Tuner, Colloidal Silver, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Addictions, Allergies, Energy, Memory Issues, Mental Function
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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