
Pain Disappears from Injured Hand
J.T., Delaware, USA

Some time back I was clearing trees and splitting logs and ended up crushing my hand between two big logs. I really smashed it and it was VERY painful. After a time the outside healed but in a couple of years it started developing arthritis and the pain was so bad, if someone just touched my hand it triggered excruciating pain.

I was at my brother's one day and he let me know about the Brain Tuner he had just received. He gave me some literature and as soon as I got home, I ordered one.

I felt relief using the Brain Tuner after only the second time using it for a 40 minute session. I started doing two 20 minute sessions back to back (40 minutes total) once a day. The pain has not returned and I continue to use the Brain Tuner daily. I can even squeeze my hand now! I know the damage is done because I can feel my knuckle is smaller compared to the other hand, but there is no more pain! I’m such a believer.

I would never be without the Brain Tuner now. That being said, I had recently lent it out and missed using it for a week, I definitely noticed the difference.

In general, my hand has greatly improved compared to how it used to be.

Another benefit is that I no longer have bad days from Lyme disease. My doctor said I had the worst case he had ever seen. I went through 13 weeks of IV treatments which supposedly helped but it affected my brain. I started having good and bad days; bad days being when I can’t put one foot in front of the other.

Since using the Brain Tuner consistently, I haven’t had a sluggish day and my hand is pain free. It’s a miracle all around.

J.T., Delaware, USA
\ Since using the Brain Tuner consistently, I haven’t had a sluggish day and my hand is pain free. It’s a miracle all around. \
Brain Tuner , Bacterial, Brain Conditions, Infection, Insect Bites, Lyme Disease, Pain, Viral
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