
Ozone Heals Leg Wound
D.M., Hawaii, USA

Here’s a trick that seems to have born fruit.

A friend’s leg had statis dermatitis open wounds arising from retaining water and poor circulation.

After limiting salt and sugar the swelling was reduced but how to stimulate healing? We wished he had a hyperbaric chamber to absorb oxygen directly through his skin to aid the healing. What to do?

I filled a picnic cooler with slightly warm water and put an ozonator airstone in the bottom. My friend submerged his foot completely so the water was above the wound and turned on the water ozonating unit for an hour a day with ozone bubbling through the water. The healing process speeded up considerably and within a week or two, the wounds had healed up nicely with no infection and the scabbing was coming off.

Many people with this condition have great difficulty healing these wounds and they sometimes develop deep infections that do not respond to antibiotics and can lead to amputation.

Transdermal absorption (absorption through skin) is very substantial and I have read you absorb more chlorine in taking a shower than from drinking water.

I think a wound or other condition on an extremity that would benefit from increased oxygenation would benefit from soaking in ozonated water.

D.M., Hawaii, USA
\ Many people with this condition have great difficulty healing these wounds and they sometimes develop deep infections … \
Water Ozonation , Infection, Skin Conditions, Wound
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