
Nothing Helped Until …
C.W., Michigan, USA

Two and a half years ago I became ill, and thereafter began experiencing periodic nausea. I went to my doctor after my fatigue and nausea continued and received a diagnosis of epstein barr and C.M.V. (cytomegalovirus). I was advised that these are both types of mono viruses and that my virus counts were really high. I was also told that I would just have to let the viruses run their course; there was nothing that could be done.

Eight months later, the fatigue and nausea were so constant that I felt like I had the stomach flu constantly. All my blood tests that were performed came back negative. I began undergoing treatments from a homeopathic physician but nothing was really giving me the relief I needed. I even saw a gastroenterologist and had a scope of my stomach performed. This also came back negative.

My next step was to see a fibromyalgia specialist. She diagnosed me with the beginning stages of fibromyalgia. She wanted me to take some medications for sleep and muscle pain, which I didn't have! At this point, my nausea was chronic, so I tried using a drug called zofran that is used to treat nausea in patients receiving cancer treatments. This was a very expensive medication and it did help somewhat in relieving my symptoms, but not the cause. My illness, however, was really affecting my emotional well-being. My two small children noticed I didn’t feel good most of the time. It was affecting my entire family and my ability to do things with them. I became extremely depressed and began seeing a psychologist because everyone was telling me this was all in my head.

I was determined to get better so I made additional dietary changes, which had little effect. Sometimes my heart would even race, which my doctor insisted was due to stress. By this point I was discouraged and angry. I really wanted an answer to help me improve my health.

I tried many herbal products, visited a chiropractor, had acupuncture, and even met with doctors from Michigan State University and the Mayo Clinic. Still nothing was relieving me of the chronic nausea. Imagine having the flu for two straight years!

On Christmas night, my heart began racing again, this time the heartbeats were recorded on a monitor at 240 beats per minute. I had a ventricular tachycardia, which is a type of arrhythmia. Due to the extreme rapid rhythm and duration, I underwent a procedure to correct the condition in order to prevent a fatal heart attack.

Following my heart procedure, I was planning to purchase a zapper-type instrument from a company to correct the nausea, but I wasn’t sure if it would work for me and it was very expensive. I decided to do some research on the Internet where I stumbled upon the Bob Beck Protocol. After reading the information, I felt encouraged that this was the right thing for me to try.

My first purchase was a wrist pulsing unit. I started slowly at 20-minute sessions, and every couple of days I added 10 or 15 minutes to my time. I gradually worked my way up to 2 hours per day. At first I felt very tired and somewhat nauseated, but I made sure I was drinking a lot of fluids to stay well hydrated. Within 2 weeks I noticed my energy level had picked up. I just kept feeling better all the time and the nausea was occurring less frequently.

After 6 weeks I ordered the magnetic pulsing unit and added this as a complement to my program. I continued with both units for another 2 months. Friends and relatives started noticing I had color in my face again and that I was doing so much more. I felt very energized! My fatigue was nearly gone, and the nausea rarely occurring!

If my nausea acts up now, I simply apply a 20-minute session to my stomach with the magnetic pulsing unit after using the wrist pulsing unit, and I feel better.

I go bike riding with my boys up to 6 miles at a time. We have gone camping, to the zoo and many other activities. My 7-year-old son commented on how much we have done this summer. Before when I was so ill, I simply did not have the will power or the energy, to do these things. It took everything I had just to tidy up around our home and make supper.

I can’t speak highly enough about how the units have helped me. These units are wonderful. I feel as though I have my life back, and my family has me back too! I am just thrilled with my improvement and I share it with all my friends and family. I feel truly blessed and I am so grateful to Bob Beck and the manufacturer. Thank you so much!

C.W., Michigan, USA
\ It was affecting my entire family and my ability to do things with them. I became extremely depressed … \
Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing , Colds, Cytomegalovirus, Energy, Epstein-Barr Virus, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Flu, Infection, Inflammation, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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