
Colloidal Silver to the Rescue
L.W., North Carolina, USA

The following stories are my personal experiences with ionic colloidal silver:

My teenage son had poison oak all over his legs. He didn’t apply ionic colloidal silver when I asked him to and he instead tried some calamine lotion. By the next day the lotion had done nothing, so he finally agreed to try the ionic colloidal silver.

I saturated his legs with a spray bottle of ionic colloidal silver. I was astounded when the redness and swelling was visibly reduced within thirty minutes, and the next day we couldn’t tell that he had ever had poison oak!

Another time, my friend, was suffering terribly with shingles. The doctors told her they couldn’t do any more for her. She applied the ionic colloidal silver and again, within 20 minutes, her redness and swelling were gone. After that, I gave her 4 ounces of ionic colloidal silver every day for a few days and she is feeling much better.

My eighty-year-old neighbour had a stomach virus and was feeling poorly from the constant diarrhea. She drank some ionic colloidal silver three times and reported to me within two days her diarrhea had stopped.

My teenage daughter’s experience is really amazing. She suffered frequent kidney infections. She usually had to go on genomicin, a very strong antibiotic, because the bacteria she carried was so resistant. It generally took her about three to four days to feel better while on the antibiotics, and she had to suffer with a fuzzy head too.

One day when she complained of severe back pain and she had a very strong, specific smelling, cloudy urine, I knew she had another infection. This time I gave her four ounces of ionic colloidal silver, three ounces three hours later, followed by two ounces every two hours. Her pain subsided in a few hours and by the next day her urine was normal!

I am very thankful for what colloidal silver has done for my family and friends and want to share these amazing experiences with as many people as I can.

L.W., North Carolina, USA
\ My teenage daughter’s experience is really amazing. She suffered frequent kidney infections. \
Colloidal Silver , Colon Conditions, Colon Conditions, Diarrhea, Infection, Infection, Kidney Conditions, Nerve Conditions, Pain, Pain, Poison Ivy/Oak, Rash, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Skin Conditions, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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