
Shingles Cleared
K.D., Ontario, Canada

Last year, my 97–year old mother contacted shingles (herpes zoster). The shingles went to the left side of her face and into her blind left eye. It was painful and caused her much stress. The medical doctor told us there was no cure for shingles and he could only prescribe a powerful narcotic painkiller. The doctor said my mother ‘might’ get over it in two months or it may take two years. So I contacted a friend who was working with herbs and alternative healing methods. She had helped a friend who had shingles by using ionic colloidal silver and Reflexology. My mother's shingles were cleared in seven days and have not returned.

The second incident also involved my elderly mother who tripped and fell in the night last February and broke her hip. She was taken to the local hospital by ambulance and after x–rays the doctor was preparing to ship her to a city hospital for a pin–in–the–hip operation. This would entail a four-hour ambulance trip. When I got to our local hospital, I cancelled the trip and the operation as I believed she would NOT have survived an operation of this magnitude. I was advised that she would have to be flat on her back in bed for at least a year! Then the bone would heal enough to get up and put pressure on it.

My research had shown that ionic colloidal silver was used to speed up the healing of broken bones. I went to the hospital every day and discreetly gave her colloidal silver twice per day. In 12 weeks she was able to walk alone with the aid of her walker which she used before the accident. She continues to take colloidal silver every day and is in very good health and does not get colds or the flu as do other residents in the nursing home where she lives.

A second case of shingles that was healed with the use of ionic colloidal silver involved a friend of a friend who had suffered for 2 months with shingles. I sent 8 ounces of colloidal silver and in short order the herpes virus was out of commission and my friend advises that his friend is extremely happy and feels she has a new lease on life.

I have recently sent 8 oz. of ionic colloidal silver to the sister of a good friend who has just recently contacted shingles while in the hospital. Drinking both Noni Juice and colloidal silver the shingles have cleared up.

K.D., Ontario, Canada
\ The doctor said my mother ‘might’ get over it in two months or it may take two years. \
Colloidal Silver , Bone Conditions, Bone Conditions, Fracture, Infection, Infection, Infection, Infection, Nerve Conditions, Pain, Pain, Shingles, Skin Conditions, Viral, Viral
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