
Back in the Driver's Seat
D.B., Washington, USA

My experience with the Beck products has been a positive one so I am writing to share my story. I will begin by saying that I had long believed that allopathic medicine is where you find “real” doctors. When I began having health problems I was not exactly willing to explore any options outside of traditional medicine. My attitude didn’t change until I became very, very sick. What started as a simple digestive disorder mushroomed into a host of problems over a three-year period.

I experienced chronic fatigue symptoms, headaches, nausea and sleep disorders. While my condition accelerated I was simply shuffled from doctor to doctor for more “prescriptions” and lots of expensive tests. I am not in anyway trying to discredit the medical establishment because I believe that in many cases they indeed save lives. I am expressing the frustration that I felt in the situation that I saw unfolding. My health got bad enough that I literally came to a turning point where I had to take charge. I spent my free time in libraries and surfing the Web, looking at everything I could find.

I discovered the company that manufactures the Beck units when I was listening to a radio interview of someone talking about “Beck Protocol.” What caught my attention was the idea of blood purification. My energy levels were getting so unpredictable that I was really interested in anything that might improve my immune function. I bought and implemented the entire protocol (ionic colloidal silver, blood electrification, magnetic pulsing and ozonated water). There was no miraculous recovery or anything like that, but I knew that I was taking the initiative to improve my own health and that gave me a lot of hope.

I felt a gradual decrease in symptoms over a 3 to 4 month period and noticed my hair coming back (with good color) and normal energy and appetite again. I believe I had "dormant viruses" that were finally taken care of with the Beck Protocol tools.

It has been 2 years since I was introduced to these units. I am not out of the woods yet, but I am feeling much better than I did, and I have taken my power back. I have put the brakes on what was becoming a very aggressive health crisis. I suppose it would be prudent to say that I am only writing this to say "thank you" and to get the word out to open-minded people. Anyone can be proactive with their health!

D.B., Washington, USA
\ My health got bad enough that I literally came to a turning point where I had to take charge. \
Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Energy, Headaches, Immune System, Infection, Insomnia, Sleep Issues, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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