
Lifelong Liver Pain Clears
R.E., California, USA

I am writing to say thank you. I feel I am alive today because of The Beck Protocol. Since the age of 11 or 12, I have had a chronic liver infection. It caused pain and a constant ache and pressure. I was continually being prescribed antibiotics. I felt I couldn’t live on antibiotics for the rest of my life but no one could help me.

I started searching for alternatives. I found a doctor that did Photoluminescence Therapy which is an ultra-violet blood treatment. I was told it would take 12 treatments before I would feel any results. After the first three treatments I did feel better, but it wasn’t dramatic. During my research I came across a company that manufactures units for the Beck Protocol. I had never heard of such a thing before, but I decided to try it.

I began using the wrist pulsing unit for 2 hours a day. I noticed results almost immediately. I could feel a dramatic difference within a month. For the first time since childhood, I haven’t had to take antibiotics for almost three years! After the results with pulsing on the wrist, I purchased a magnetic pulsing unit, and used it over my liver. I continue to use the units about once a week. Another benefit that I had was the elimination of a long standing toe nail fungus.

Since using the units, I also continue to receive the Photoluminescence Therapy once a month. I believe the two therapies work well together. My husband and I now have the water ozonating unit, and from the first drink I could feel the life-giving energy. I praise God for this help for me and others.

R.E., California, USA
\ I felt I couldn’t live on antibiotics for the rest of my life but no one could help me. \
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Fungal, Infection, Liver Conditions, Pain
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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