
Heart Rhythm Improves
J.M., Hawaii, USA

Despite being very physically fit, I have suffered with daily arrhythmia for years. I heard about a wrist pulsing unit through a friend and tried blood electrification along with the ionic colloidal silver.

I used it for about 10 minutes a day and did not notice any difference. It did bother the nerves and my arm felt sore for a couple of days.

When I took the ionic colloidal silver alone, however, it had a surprising effect. My heart returned to a comfortable rhythm immediately! I continued to experiment with it. Each time I drank an 8-ounce glass of ionic colloidal silver, it took longer for the arrhythmia action to recur. Now I have gone as long as ten days before I got arrhythmia again.

I have found it best to drink this amount of ionic colloidal silver on a full stomach as taking it on an empty stomach caused me to feel ill and dizzy.

J.M., Hawaii, USA
\ When I took the ionic colloidal silver alone, however, it had a surprising effect. \
Colloidal Silver , Arrhythmia, Heart Conditions
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