
Ten Minutes to Relief
J.B., British Columbia, Canada

This past July my 94-year-old Mom took a bad fall and injured her left hip. It was then necessary for her to have surgery to have her left hip pinned. After the surgery, her leg was very swollen, bruised and painful.

I began to apply the magnetic pulsing unit to her hip area twice per day in the hospital while she was recovering. I would pulse it 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. Within 3 days the swelling improved and the pain was eased significantly for her. After 10 days, the bruising was starting to absorb.

She is now out of the hospital and continues with her physiotherapy exercises. Twice a day she takes her walker and makes it up & down the 3 hallways in her building for exercise. These hallways are approximately 80 feet in length each.

My Mom also experiences edema in her feet. They become swollen and tender, making it difficult to put weight on her feet. I simply pulse her feet on the reflexology points for drainage for 10 minutes each and within 45 minutes to 1½ hours, the swelling is reduced and her shoes fit. This means she can continue with her hallway walking for exercise!

The same holds true for the arthritis in her hands. She uses the wrist pulsing unit and magnetic pulsing unit if they are particularly swollen or painful for her—a 10-minute application twice per day relieves the pain and reduces the swelling.

We are really grateful that Mom can use these units for her varying health ailments and receive such quick results! Thank you!

J.B., British Columbia, Canada
\ My Mom also experiences edema in her feet. They become swollen and tender, making it difficult to put weight on her feet. \
Magnetic Pulsing , Arthritis, Edema, Inflammation, Joint Conditions, Pain
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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