
Immune System Strengthened
N.O., Saskatchewan, Canada

I have been using the wrist pulsing unit for about 1½ years. It has had the most positive effect on my health of any alternative therapy I have ever tried.

In my early childhood double pneumonia and other childhood diseases put me in the hospital seven times by the time I was two years of age. I had constant colds, sore throats, chest ailments and allergies. This continued right up to my adult years.

Since using the wrist pulsing unit and taking ionic colloidal silver water daily, I have been free of colds and associated respiratory complications for a year and a half. There have been occasions when I feel the early symptoms of something trying to develop but nothing does. I apply blood electrification for two hours daily for one-month periods and then one month off. I take one ounce of silver water twice daily. I have recently purchased the magnetic pulsing unit for deeper lymph cleaning.

I had a blood analysis done about a year ago using the dark field microscopy method and it showed my blood to be quite clean and free from active virus and fungi. I attribute this to using the wrist pulsing unit. I conclude that these theoretical health treatments for blood and lymph cleaning have been responsible for restoring my immune system so that it can properly function. A recent hair analysis showed that I was deficient in four minerals necessary for proper health and metabolic function. I will continue to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Thanks to the folks that make these units for their research and developments in new alternative health areas.

N.O., Saskatchewan, Canada
\ I had constant colds, sore throats, chest ailments and allergies. \
Wrist Pulsing , Allergies, Colds, Flu, Infection, Inflammation, Lung Conditions, Sore Throat
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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