
Whole Family Uses Silver Water
R.P, California, USA

I love the Beck Protocol products. I start with the ozonated water in the morning drinking one quart before eating. It helps with the bowel movement and I like the idea of all that oxygen getting into the lower parts of my body without interference of food. It’s a direct shot. I love the Beck products!

I especially use ionic colloidal silver a lot. The whole family uses it. I spray it on my skin after a shower, use it for a stuffed nose, throat, and for acne. I am a truck driver and I always take a six week supply of it in my truck. Sometimes I don’t have the proper washing facilities because I am on the road so after I clean the dishes, I spray them with the silver solution.

My daughter uses colloidal silver to heal acne in short notice. The silver solution goes in the granchildren’s ears, eyes, nose, … anywhere there is a problem.

Then there is the magnetic pulsing unit. Along with taking some vitamins, I used it on my prostate and I feel it helped get rid of the bleeding. I have also used it on various aches and pains with success.

I have been dealing with the company that manufactures the units for a couple of years now and have found them to be very helpful, or may I say as helpful as they can be. I recommend these products on a regular basis by telling others to research colloidal silver and pulsed magnetic fields on the net.

Thank you for your information.

R.P, California, USA
\ The silver goes in the granchildren's ears, eyes, nose, … anywhere there is a problem. \
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing , Colon Conditions, Infection, Inflammation, Pain, Prostate Conditions, Skin Conditions, Sore Throat
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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