
Food cravings extinguished with Brain Tuner
Peter O., Victoria, Australia

When I changed to a low carbohydrate and low sugar diet recently, I had great difficulty overcoming hunger and the need for something sweet. The Brain Tuner helped make the transition easier.

It was about two weeks into my transition when I started using the Brain Tuner. I used it on occasion when I had cravings and it stopped them immediately, but I confess I did not do it every time which I should have done. Part of my problem was recognizing what a craving was and then taking the appropriate action. Most of the time you feel a strong urge to eat something comforting, for me it was usually sweet. You try to ignore it but can’t, so you give in and relieve the feeling with a small amount of ‘forbidden fruit’ only to have the floodgates open and you must have more.

Gradually I began to recognize the feeling or craving sensation, which for me was a general desire for something sweet or a kind of hunger pain in my abdomen. When I’d recognize one of those feelings I began to use the Brain Tuner and the feelings were gone. Both the physical feeling and the mental feeling disappeared for a while.

I tried to experiment with the duration and frequency needed for the Brain Tuner to be effective, however it was quite random. Sometimes I used it for five minutes and sometimes the full 20 minutes, both seemingly work the same. I was over the worst of it, but in the beginning I still had cravings from time to time and the Brain Tuner worked perfectly to overcome them so that I could continue and not revert back again.

I should have been prepared for the cravings and used the Brain Tuner from the beginning, which is one reason for making this testimonial – to help others plan for it from the start. I believe the Brain Tuner can be used by people with compulsive eating habits, those who want to stop, people who must lose weight and people who need to change their diet. My advice to anyone wanting to give up certain foods or eat less is to have the Brain Tuner at hand; ready to put on the moment you feel a desire to break your aims. It’s that feeling that causes people to give up but the Brain Tuner removes those feelings (in my case).

If you want to change your diet, cut down on certain foods or quantity of foods, the Brain Tuner might help. I used the Brain Tuner to give up those foods, not just to cut down, so I gradually removed the addictive nature of them altogether. However it might work fine for cutting down or eliminating cravings.

I believe it is worth a try and once you purchase the Brain Tuner, the low cost of a battery every month or two is all you’ll pay. Much less than the cost of the food that you eliminate.

I always look for the easy way out, not being a very disciplined person by nature and the Brain Tuner met that need for me when it came to overcoming food withdrawal desires.

Peter O., Victoria, Australia
\ I began to recognize the feeling or craving sensation… the Brain Tuner worked perfectly to overcome them so that I could continue and not revert back again \
Brain Tuner , Weight Issues
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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