
Looking to beat Lyme, he found a new life
Matt White, Tennessee, USA

My name is Matt White and I want to give a quick testimonial about the Bob Beck Protocol and how it changed my life.

More than 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I had been riding my bike out by the river in some deep woods. When I looked down at my leg the next day, I had a red ring around a tick bite. Instinctively I knew what that was.

My mother had a family member who actually had severe health issues from Lyme disease, so she always warned me about what to look for from a tick bite.

I kind of put it off, didn't really deal with it and it ended up developing into some pretty intense symptoms.

Months after the tick bite, I started getting serious fatigue. I could barely get out of bed. My wrists and hands started cramping and aching in pain, I had bad mood swings, a lot of depression and just kind of continued on like that, getting worse and worse.

When I went in to ask the doctors what I could do, they basically said, well, we can't cure you. We can just help you with symptoms.

They offered me high dose antibiotics but I didn't want to do that because I had a sensitive stomach and knew antibiotics were really bad for me. And I knew they wouldn't actually solve the problem.

I honestly can't remember how I came across the Bob Beck videos originally, I want to say it was on YouTube, but I found a lecture of Bob Beck at the Granada Forum. He was giving this incredible talk about all these different diseases that he saw his protocol helping. And when he said Lyme disease, well that piqued my interest.

I set out to get the equipment, as I tried building my own at first and that was a massive failure. It didn't work. So I ended up getting some of the original SOTA units off eBay. I saved up my money, bought the equipment and set out to use it.

It took about, I want to say six months, but I absolutely did the Bob Beck Protocol for at least a full year. I remember at the six month mark, that's when the symptoms just stopped. I remember waking up one day and everything just felt different. I don't know how to explain it. It's like it wasn't heavy anymore. I didn't have that brain fog. Everything just kind of felt clearer.

For the first two to three weeks the die-off was intense and I realized I wasn’t drinking enough ozone water. But after that, my body got used to it. It was at about the six month mark that I decided to do it for a full year.

I'll say this too. I had also suffered from cold sores since I was young, getting them seasonally. Every time I get a cold or a flu, they would appear. For me it was super embarrassing and not something you want. Those went away after I did the Bob Beck Protocol too. I haven’t had those since. And I imagine I never will. I think it pretty much wiped my slate clean.

So yes, the Bob Beck Protocol absolutely changed my life.

I use it all the time now with my family. Anybody that gets sick, they're getting a cold, feeling run down… I'm going to bring them the Silver Pulser, the Magnetic Pulser, whatever they need.

I can't even think of what my life would be like without the Protocol and how much of an impact it's really had on the trajectory of my life.

If you're thinking about it, give it a shot. I can't promise it'll cure everything, but it will definitely change something. It is an amazing tool. It will take your body to a new place, a place that it needs to go.

I don't know of anything as powerful as the Bob Beck Protocol, but you do have to be consistent. You have to give it time and you’ve got to treat your body right. I'd recommend getting in better health, eating better, sleeping more, just taking care of yourself.

But be consistent. Give it time and I think it'll change your life.

Matt White, Tennessee, USA
\ I remember at the six month mark, that's when the symptoms just stopped. \
Brain Tuner, Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Bacterial, Depression, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Fatigue, Infection, Lyme Disease, Pain, Viral
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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