
Colloidal Silver Heals Burns
N.W., California, USA

I have 4 stories to share on the many uses of ionic colloidal silver.

At the Farmer's Market, I stopped to buy a French crepe for lunch. The vendor had just very badly burned her arm on the griddle, to the degree that large, yellow bubbles were already beginning to form.

I went home, grabbed a pint of ionic colloidal silver and some clean fabric, rushed back to the Farmer's Market, and asked the vendor if she would be willing to let me wrap her arm in a colloid-soaked cloth. She readily agreed. I left the pint bottle with her assistant, instructing her to keep the cloth very wet, all day, and through the night. The following week, the vendor's arm showed no signs of the burn and she reported the pain had disappeared within a short time following application of the ionic colloidal silver.

I wanted to power a device from my car's cigarette lighter accessory, but the device wouldn't run. Thinking the accessory was not operable, I pushed in the lighter, waited a short time, pulled the lighter out and touched the coil rings with the tip of my finger. The accessory was working and the pain from the burn on my finger shot through to my toes. I quickly drove home, poured ionic colloidal silver into a very small bottle, inserted my finger into the liquid, and taped the bottle securely to my hand so no liquid would leak. The pain eased in a few minutes. I slept with my finger in the colloid-bottle all night. From the time that I removed the bottle the next morning, I was able to use my finger as though no burn had occurred.

I buy fresh produce at the Farmer's Market. When I bring the leafy herbs and vegetables home, I spray them with ionic colloidal silver before putting them in the refrigerator. They stay crisp and just-picked-fresh all week.

When my house plants droop, I feed them ionic colloidal silver in place of their weekly watering. Overnight, they always perk up unbelievably strong and hearty.

N.W., California, USA
\ … the pain from the burn on my finger shot through to my toes. \
Colloidal Silver , Burns, Plants, Skin Conditions
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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