
Toxins Eliminated from Teeth
J.N., British Columbia, Canada

I have suffered from ill health most of my life. When I was a child I was sick all the time. I had the measles 7 times, scarlet fever twice and whooping cough. I was also sick with a cold or flu every 3 weeks. Twenty-seven years ago, I reached a low point in my life when I was suffering from a deep depression. I was treated medically with anti-depressants but these just made me feel worse and suicidal.

A year later I phoned a doctor who practiced natural methods. He literally saved my life. He assessed my situation and recommended I eliminate sugar, make significant adjustments to what I was eating, and start taking vitamins. I continued to consult with natural health care practitioners and this doctor, and made improvements along the way.

As I continued on my path of wellness I kept learning about contributing factors to my health issues, and 7 years ago made the decision to have all the amalgams removed from my mouth using Biological Dentistry. This process to remove all of the dental work took about 6 months. At the same time I was having treatments from a Rolf practitioner who recommended a product to me. I began to make ionic colloidal silver and was consuming 1 cup per day. I was also doing a bowel cleanse at this time. I was determined to do everything in my power to regain my full health!

Then one evening while I was doing a pedicure, I felt a snap in my right breast. I was not aware that I had a lump in this area, but it was immediately evident as this area of my breast became hot and hard. When I placed a compress on my breast, black and brown discharge oozed out of the nipple. I called my biological dentist. She told me that with a procedure like the one I had undergone to remove the root canals and amalgams, it is quite common for women to have “toxins” come out through the breasts. I sincerely believe that had I not been taking ionic colloidal silver, it would not have broken, and would have been breast cancer. The next day I used the unit for blood electrification for 10 minutes and the pain went away. In 3 days the breast was healed. Interestingly, at that time in our sub-division there were nine women with breast cancer, so I asked them if they had any root canals or amalgams. It turned out that they all had one or the other, or their old false teeth were made with cadmium. As a result of using blood electrification and ionic colloidal silver, and having all of my toxic dental work removed, my health is the best I have ever known.

I also want to share that my husband has severely bowed legs and suffers a lot of hip and knee pain. Walking was agonizing for him. He has been using my unit for blood electrification and has been drinking 1 large capful of ionic colloidal silver per day for the last month and a half, along with taking magnesium supplements. After blood electrification, his legs relaxed immediately and become looser and more flexible. The pain noticeably subsides. He is feeling so much better.

We are grateful for this unit!

J.N., British Columbia, Canada
\ She told me that with a procedure like the one I had undergone to remove the root canals and amalgams, it is quite common for women to have “toxins” come out through the breasts. \
Colloidal Silver, Wrist Pulsing , Brain Conditions, Colds, Dental Conditions, Depression, Environmental Toxins, Flu, Heavy Metal Poisoning, Joint Conditions, Mental Disorder, Pain
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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