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Beck Protocol

Ailments & Benefits

Silver Benefits Man from Head to Toe

From balding to athlete's foot … one man uses colloidal silver from head to toe with amazing results.

Colloidal Silver, Athlete's Foot, Bacterial, Circulation, Fungal, Hair Conditions, Infection, Skin Conditions
My Experience with Wrist Pulsing and Silver

Not everyone is trying to address something specific when deciding to begin using a Beck unit. Wrist pulsin and colloidal silver use over 3-4 weeks lead to unanticipated across-the-board improvements.

Colloidal Silver, Wrist Pulsing, Cataract, Cravings, Cyst, Dental Conditions, Dreams, Eye Conditions, Hair Conditions, Skin Conditions, Sleep Issues, Wound
A Tale of Two Fish Revived with Ozone

Ozone saves the life of two sick fish.

Water Ozonation, Animals & Pets, Bacterial, Infection, Parasites
Beck Protocol Eases Pain

The Beck Protocol helps UK woman to be pain-free.

Brain Tuner, Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Aging, Anxiety, Arthritis, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Fibromyalgia, Inflammation, Mental Disorder, Mental Function
Profound Dreaming with Brain Tuner Use

One man’s experience of profound lucid dreaming using the Brain Tuner.

Brain Tuner, Dreams, Mental Function
Colloidal Silver Saves Injured Calf

Colloidal silver heals young bull’s potentially fatal wound caused by wolf attack.

Colloidal Silver, Wrist Pulsing, Animals & Pets, Wound
Memory-Energy Levels Improve with Brain Tuner

Young woman experiences improved memory, focus and calm.

Brain Tuner, Addictions, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Memory Issues, Mental Function, Relaxation
Brain Tuner Helps Many Health Issues

One man’s story of how using the Brain Tuner improved his health in several areas.

Brain Tuner, ADD / ADHD, Addictions, Anxiety, Arthritis, Back Pain, Cravings, Emotional Wellbeing, Inflammation, Mental Disorder, Mental Function, Pain, Panic Attacks, Spine Conditions, Weight Issues
Pain Disappears from Injured Hand

One man’s miracle using the brain tuner for pain and Lyme.

Brain Tuner, Bacterial, Brain Conditions, Infection, Insect Bites, Lyme Disease, Pain, Viral
Magnetic Pulsing Relieves Pain

Professional juggler feels immediate relief for repetitive motion injuries.

Magnetic Pulsing, Arthritis, Inflammation, Muscle Conditions, Osteoarthritis, Pain
Brain Tuner Quickly Reduces Anxiety-Insomnia

Read one woman's story of getting her life back to normal with the Brain Tuner.

Brain Tuner, Anxiety, Emotional Wellbeing, Insomnia, Mental Disorder, Mental Function, Panic Attacks, Sleep Issues, Thyroid Conditions
Brain Tuner Eases Anxiety and Improves Sleep

Retired nurse experiences freedom from anxiety.

Brain Tuner, Anxiety, Brain Conditions, Depression, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Disorder, Mental Disorder, Mental Function, Relaxation, Sleep Issues
Ozonated Water Recharges Hikers

Ozonated water helps hikers breathe easier.

Water Ozonation, Energy, Fatigue
Malaria Study Using Microcurrents

Dr. Emoh Enang guided a study in Africa to explore the effects of blood electrification on malaria.

Wrist Pulsing, Malaria, Parasites
Woman Regains Health Twice With Beck Protocol

One woman overcomes struggles with Candida and Lyme Disease

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Bacterial, Hives, Infection, Insect Bites, Lyme Disease, Rash, Skin Conditions, Viral
91 Year Old Says Wrist Pulsing is "Amazing"

A healthy senior very happy in clearing of oral Herpes after using the Beck microcurrent technology.

Wrist Pulsing, Bacterial, Cravings, Fungal, Herpes, Infection, Viral, Yeast Infection
Taking Back My Power Meant Giving Up My Pain

Using microcurrents and ionic colloidal silver, one man overcomes pain and increases energy.

Colloidal Silver, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Dental Conditions, Dizziness, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Fatigue, Headaches, Pain
Dog enjoys better quality of life

Daniel the dog enjoys climbing the stairs again

Magnetic Pulsing, Animals & Pets
Bacteria Growth Halted in Lab Experiment

Grade 11 Biology student uses magnetic pulsing unit in research project

Magnetic Pulsing, Bacterial, Infection
Recovered From Stage 4 Cancer

After radical surgery, evidence of cancer remains. The author discovered she had a strong will to live so improves her diet, gets help to address emotional issues and goes fully on the Beck Protocol.

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Cancer, Energy, Kidney Conditions, Lymph System, Tumor
Years of Pain Gone

Relief from decades of pain from Hepatitis C. Wayne's energy is restored and he has his life back with blood electrification, magnetic pulsing and drinking colloidal silver.

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing, Colds, Energy, Fatigue, Flu, Headaches, Hepatitis, Infection, Liver Conditions, Pain, Viral
Regaining Health at 63

With a multitude of symptoms, the author was frustrated as there was no help from the established medical system. After discovering the Beck Protocol, she lists the symptoms that vanished.

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing, Brain Conditions, Depression, Digestion, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Fatigue, Headaches, Heart Conditions, Mental Disorder, Rash, Skin Conditions, Thyroid Conditions
Healthy and Active After Death Sentence

After radical surgery for cancer, Anna refused chemotherapy and radiation. Her cancer markers steadily dropped with the use of the Beck Protocol.

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Cancer, Tumor
20 Years of Addictions Abated

The Brain Tuner transforms Peter's life by helping him overcome alcholism as well as compulsive and anxiety disorders. The Brain Tuner has given Peter a more enjoyable and relaxed life.

Brain Tuner, Addictions, Emotional Wellbeing, Relaxation, Sleep Issues
Returned to my Energetic Self

Beck Protocol alleviates symptoms of Lyme Disease

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Bacterial, Energy, Infection, Insect Bites, Lyme Disease, Viral
No Sign of Cancer or Hep C

After a difficult journey reacting to hepatitis C treatments and two surgeries for cervical cancer, Selina recovers at a TCM clinic that includes blood electrification and drinking colloidal silver.

Colloidal Silver, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing, Cancer, Hepatitis, Infection, Liver Conditions, Viral
Beck Protocol Cleared Remaining Tumor

By applying the 4-step Beck Protocol, tumors in Richard's bladder have not returned.

Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Bladder Infection, Cancer, Colds, Dental Conditions, Flu, Tumor, Urinary Conditions
Bursting with Energy

As a mother of young children and professional working woman, Kim regained her energy. Better nutrition, blood electrification and colloidal silver allowed her to resume her very active life.

Wrist Pulsing, Brain Conditions, Energy, Fatigue, Memory Issues, Mental Function, Pain
Herpes Outbreaks End

After suffering with herpes (HSV-2) outbreaks and then increasing medication, the author is relieved of the symptoms with blood electrification.

Wrist Pulsing, Herpes, Infection, Viral
Goodbye to Lifelong Anxiety

Anxiety, anger, depression, and more plagued Keith from age 5. Some drugs heightened his symptoms dangerously. Then Bob Beck's Brain Tuner rescued him from his crippling symptoms.

Brain Tuner, Anxiety, Brain Conditions, Depression, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Disorder, Mental Function
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