
Relief from Liver Cancer
P.F., Tasmania, Australia

I was stunned when the results of a biopsy showed a tumour in my liver. I was given three options: 1) I could do nothing and live for about twelve months. 2) The tumor could be treated with alcohol, which may reduce or halt the growth. 3) My doctor could recommend me for the liver transplant waiting list. I was relatively young and healthy, so I felt the third option was preferable as it offered me the best long-term prognosis.

I had a transplant assessment three months later along with the first of two embolisations on the liver. This is where a combination of chemotherapy and dye is injected directly into the right and left side of the liver. This caused me a great deal of pain. I was admitted to the hospital for six days of flushing the liver to enable it to function properly. Apparently the embolisation had caused the liver to overload. It took three weeks for me to start feeling reasonable again.

I arrived at the hospital again a month later for the second embolisation. Scans undertaken that morning revealed the cancer was far more wide-spread than they had first thought. Instead of reducing the size of the tumours, the previous embolism had actually increased during the month. I don’t think anyone will understand the feelings that I experienced when they told me that the cancer was so severe in my liver that the chances of a successful liver transplant were too low to risk the operation and that I would have to withdraw from the transplant program.

I became totally panicked and confused. The acting head of the transplant team told me in a very clinical but severe tone that there were no options left and that I should consider returning home and getting my personal affairs in order. When I asked how long he thought I had to live, he replied that normally people in my position could expect to live about three months but I had used six weeks to this point. He believed I only had another six weeks to live.

Two forms of chemotherapy had been discussed. The first was a massive dose to be administered, which would hopefully hold or diminish the tumours. The risks, however, were high and the results were at best, temporary as this form of cancer was not one which would go into remission. Alternatively, administering lighter doses of chemotherapy would have little if any effect on the cancer based on the results to date. Neither of these options appealed to me.

During the time that I was on the liver transplant list, I had a chance meeting with a person who had introduced me to an alternative method of cancer control. At the time I was happy with the way my problem was being handled and didn’t really give it a second thought. Suddenly it was time to read this information that lay dormant on my coffee table shelf. Everything at the moment told me that I was not going to survive this crisis, but my natural tendency was to be positive with life and not accept defeat. I had too much to live for.

Alternative health remedies had not been considered in my life prior to this and it was foreign for me to be proceeding down this path. The research, however, behind this alternative seemed sound. The method required me to subject my blood stream to an electric current, which would theoretically destroy all the known bacteria, viruses and pathogens that live in the blood stream. This in turn would free up my immune system to fight the greater threat of the cancer. This was coupled with taking silver colloid water, which has been said to kill bacteria, viruses and pathogens in the cells of the body.

A friend purchased the machine for me so I could start using it when I returned from a quality trip with my children. On my return, I also had my first visit to the oncologist. This visit served to confirm that the chemotherapy was designed only to improve my quality of life, as the disease progressed and would not guarantee me any extra time. During this time my health had been steadily declining to a point where it was difficult for me to make it through a whole day without needing an afternoon rest. The pain in my liver had become much more noticeable. It became clear to me that if I was to survive I had to embrace the alternative completely and put my faith into its success.

Five months after my initial diagnosis and a few weeks after my six-week death sentence, I celebrated my 52nd birthday with all my friends. A couple of weeks later I suffered a set back when the pain became so bad that I was admitted to the hospital again. This time I was admitted under palliative care and it became obvious to me that if I stayed in there, they would make everything as comfortable as possible for me until such time as I passed away. I knew I had to get out as soon as possible. I did get out and found some professional medical back up so that I could assess the effectiveness of the alternative that I was undertaking.

Thirty-six hours after coming out of the hospital I started the full alternative program which was two hours of blood electrifying per day, drinking two glasses of silver colloid per day and drinking two litres of water per day. The information told me that it was going to take three months for me to be able to control the cancer.

After six weeks I was gradually feeling a little better but I felt I needed help in getting rid of the dead cancer cells from my body. So I started using the magnetic pulse generator to attack the tumours directly. At the same time I was put onto a herbal product called FlorEssence. This was the only herbal product I was on and my reason for using it was simply that it was designed to give strength to the immune system, which I felt was under severe strain at this time.

From this point on, I can truthfully say that I never looked back. My health gradually improved day by day over the next three months to the point where I was not on drugs of any sort. I also stopped using the FlorEssence and had put on some weight.

It has now been a year since the liver transplant team gave me six weeks to live. While we cancer patients are never rid of cancer, only in remission, I can safely say that the cancer I had, that wasn’t supposed to go into remission, is certainly not causing me any concern at all, and I am living a normal and healthy life. The only concession that I make to the cancer at all is I still electrify my blood for two hours each day, consume one large glass of silver water each morning, and try to drink two litres of filtered water each day.

I don’t expect the medical professionals to accept what I have undertaken and proved to be successful. Their only advice to me at the moment is to keep doing what I have been doing, because what I have been doing is working. That is proof enough for me.

P.F., Tasmania, Australia
\ Scans undertaken that morning revealed the cancer was far more wide-spread than they had first thought. \
Editors Note:
Peter passed away about 1 1/2 years after he wrote this letter. We talked with him shortly before he passed on. He was in good spirits and said he had let his guard down and had stopped paying attention to his health. He also said he had not been using the units on a regular basis. He was so very happy, however, to have had the last two years of quality time. He hadn't just existed by trying to get through one day at a time—he had really lived. His room mate told us after Peter died that he had also been dealing with increased stress.
Colloidal Silver, Wrist Pulsing , Cancer, Liver Conditions
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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