
Tests Show Clear of Cancers
S.E., California, USA

I am a certified medical assistant. Four years ago, after having symptoms of a lot of fatigue and losing weight, I realized something wasn’t quite right. At first the doctor told me I had an irritable bowel and to take Pepto Bismal, so I wasn’t too worried. But then I felt pain, at one time so badly doubled-over with pain because of a complete colon blockage. It was then they did a barium enema and found out that I had a tumor the size of a grapefruit. I was diagnosed with colon cancer. That was pretty shocking.

Over the course of time, I went through several doctors. Working in the medical field, I fully trusted everything they had to offer. I initially tried radiation and chemotherapy but there weren’t any major changes. I contacted a friend who said he knew of two things that would help. I was leery to try something so different, but then decided it wouldn’t hurt to try. I was introduced to herbal therapies.

It took, I believe, three weeks for the tumor in my colon that was scheduled to be removed, to shrink to a size that was so small that the doctors didn’t even need to take out. At that point I pretty much felt like I didn’t need to take the herbs anymore.

Around that time I moved to Florida to look after my grandmother who was diagnosed with cancer less than two months after I arrived. So here I was working full time, taking care of my grandmother full time, and then I found out I had cancer that had spread to my stomach and my lymph nodes in my armpit. I had a fairly young doctor that wanted me to try new chemotherapy drugs, but they weren’t working. I had chemo directly injected into a walnut-sized tumor in my arm-pit, that failed. I had radiation on my stomach, which failed, and the final treatment offered to me was intravenous chemotherapy. By my fourth chemo treatment I had stopped breathing and my heart stopped beating. At one point, I was even bleeding out of my eyes because of the treatment. I got to the point that I just said, if I’m going to die, I’m going to die without poison in my body.

That’s when I decided I better get in touch with the alternative therapy again. This time, I also learned about a new piece of equipment, a wrist pulsing unit. I wasn’t too sure about it as there wasn’t a lot of information available at that time. Three months later my grandmother died and at that point I decided I needed to rearrange my life and take care of me.

I moved back to California and to relax and enjoy what I thought was the little bit of time that I had left. I started exclusively treating myself using the blood electrification at least 2 hours a day and drinking about a glass of colloidal silver each day. I also followed the Hulda Clark herbal program as outlined in her book. Again, I was skeptical, but the first week after I started wearing the device, I had more energy. That kept me going and the following week I decided to use it two hours in the morning and two hours at night. Now I experienced a major difference in my energy level. It even acted like an anti-depressant because I wanted to do more. The only side effect I got from the blood electrifier was a temporary rash (on the wrist) and a little bit of aloe vera helped that.

After a week, I noticed the lymph node tumor had been steadily shrinking. About 4 months after arriving in California, I was definitely feeling better but wanted to make sure everything was in the clear so I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. There were no evidence of tumors and nothing in my blood at all as far as the cancer goes.

That did a lot to boost my outlook on life. I cried a little. It was another lease on life and a ticket for a couple more years in this world which I enjoy. A year after arriving to California, I was happy to start working again. I enjoy what I do. It has been the major turnaround in my life.

If I feel like I’m coming down with something, I put the wrist pulsing unit on without fail. I don’t mess around any more. As maintenance I use it at least once a year for a couple of weeks with the herbs. I hardly get a cold anymore and today I am healthy, I enjoy skiing, enjoy things that I thought I wouldn’t do.

If I were to go back in time, to where I was diagnosed with the cancer, there is no doubt in my mind that I would turn to the herbs and the blood electrifier. I would not give the radiation and chemotherapy a thought. That almost destroyed me.

S.E., California, USA
\ I had tumors in my colon, stomach and my lymph systems and was unable to continue with chemotherapy. \
Wrist Pulsing , Cancer, Energy, Tumor
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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